Exceptional Education, Formed in Faith

CLS Plans for Fall 2020

CLS Fall 2020 Campus Re-opening Plan

Behind the scenes at CLS, we are busy creating a safe return to school plan aimed at reopening on campus on September 8th. We are paying close attention to the Governor’s orders and his reopening plan for Maryland, along with the CDC guidelines and best practices for schools. In addition, Administration is working with our Delegating Nurse, the Board members who are fellow educators, and key CLS staff members to make the adjustments necessary to keep students and staff safe while allowing for as much normalcy as possible. As you can imagine, there are many factors to consider. We have applied for grants related to CARES funds so that we are able to purchase the materials, technology, and health and safety equipment necessary to support a safe reopening. Staff will undergo health and safety training, along with our usual First Aid, CPR, and AED training, to be ready for this school year. Please know that we are utilizing all of the resources possible and investing a tremendous amount of time into creating a reopening plan for the fall. Another update will be provided on July 27th.

If you or someone you know is considering a new option for school this fall, please contact us to schedule an in-person or virtual tour of CLS. Class spaces are limited, so schedule your tour and reserve your spot now!

Updated July 9, 2020