Exceptional Education, Formed in Faith

What’s Happening at CLS – January 2024

Hands-On Learning!

At CLS, a huge part of the teaching strategy involves hands-on learning. This type of student engagement makes children excited about learning and increases knowledge retention. In 4th grade Science class, the students were focused on electricity. They learned what it is, how it's generated, and how it flows from one place to another. In December, our students created light-up Christmas projects by wiring their very own circuits. These paper circuits were constructed by creating a path with conductive copper tape, utilizing button batteries for the power source, and connecting LEDs for the light sources. This project has enlightened students about the important structures and functions of circuitry and that success comes from lots of trial and error and good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness! See below for some pictures of this event.

Enrollment for 2024/2025!

Enrollment for the 2024/2025 school year is open. For more information or to schedule a tour, visit the website at clsedu.org or call 410-848-1050.

Staying Connected to Carroll Lutheran School!

Please visit our website regularly for updates on these events and other happenings at the school.

For more information on how you can support CLS, please visit the link below or contact Bonnie Higgins at [email protected].

Ways to Support CLS

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Phone: 410.848.1050 www.CLSEDU.org